nginx proxy not caching assets

nginx proxy not caching assets

If you're experiencing issues with NGINX not caching your assets, there are a few things you can check:

1. Ensure that the `cache_enabled` directive is set to `on` in your NGINX configuration for the location block of your assets:


location /assets {

root /path/to/your/project;

cache_enabled on; # enable caching for assets location block



2. Make sure that the `Cache-Control: max-age` or `Expires:` headers are set correctly in your application's responses for static assets. These headers control how long NGINX should cache the asset before fetching a new one from the origin server:


Cache-Control: max-age=31536000; # Cache for 1 year (in seconds)

Expires: Sat, 27 Mar 2099 15:48:36 GMT; # Expiration date in the future


3. Check if there are any proxy_cache_* directives that might be affecting caching behavior, such as `proxy_cache_bypass`, or enabling cache with a custom key:


location /assets {

proxy_pass http://originserver; # Set your origin server URL here. No need for a trailing "/" at the end of this URL if it's not a directory (e.g., "http://originserver:80/").

proxy_cache_key $host$request_uri; # Custom cache key for your assets. You can customize this based on your requirements (e.g., hash of the asset file, version number).



4. Double-check that NGINX is actually receiving and serving your static assets from its cache: You can use an extension like `nginx_fastcgi_cache` to check the hit rate in real-time and see if any of your assets are being served from cache.

5. Ensure that your origin server is not sending `Last-Modified`, `Cache-Control: no-cache/no-store` or other headers in the response preventing caching. If these cannot be changed on your origin server, consider using a CDN like Cloudflare to handle caching and serving static assets instead of NGINX:


location / { # Root location block. Set this as the default if none other matches (if it doesn't exist).

proxy_pass http://originserver; # Replace with your origin server URL. No need for a trailing "/" at the end of this URL if it's not a directory (e.g., "http://originserver:80/").



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