How to get a User ID in Asp.Net Core 3.1 (ClaimPrincipal) in a Service Repository

Question: How do you get a user id in .net core MVC from a service repository?

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The User's Id can be obtained from the .net core application in several ways, one of them is by getting the User from an HttpContext:

  1. Create an Interface with the name "IUserUtility" that has a function defined as "GetUserID"
    - This function can return a Task of a "String" if you like.

  2. Create a Mock Repository that implements the "IUserUtility"
    - In the Mock Repository, create a constructor that will utilize "Dependency Injection".

    - Dependency Injection will help you get access to Asp.Net Core inbuilt APIs and other Services
       (User-defined Interfaces registered as Services in Startup.cs File).

    - In the Mock Repository, Inject HttpContext in the Constructor as well as define a private property on top
       of the Constructor
         - Defining a private read-only helps your application not to create a memory-consuming variable that sometimes hangs even when the Service is not being utilized. Creating a private read-only will allocate a small portion of memory to that private variable and return the memory to the application when the variable is not in use.

    - Wire the private HttpContext _httpContext with the HttpContext httpContext injected in the Constructor, this will input the httpContext Service coming from the Application Startup.cs Services into a private read-only _httpContext.

    - After implementing the UserUtility Interface go ahead and write your code in the GetUserID() function. This function will contain code that gets User ID and returns a string or an object containing the Current Logged in User ID.

  3. See the Code below for reference:
    //This an Interface
    namespace YourProjectName.FirstLevelFolder.FinalFolderYourInterfaceClassIsLocated
        public interface IUserUtility
            Task<string> GetUserID();
    //This is a Service Mock Repository Class that implements IUserUtility Interface
    namespace ProjectName.FolderName
        public class UserUtilityRepository : IUserUtility
            private readonly SignInManager<AnotherUserMockRepositoryClass> _signInManager;
            private readonly HttpContext _contextRequest;
            public UserUtilityRepository(SignInManager<AnotherUserMockRepositoryClass> signInManager, HttpContext contextRequest)
                _signInManager = signInManager;
                _contextRequest = contextRequest;
            public async Task<string> GetUserID()
                ClaimsPrincipal principal = _contextRequest.User as ClaimsPrincipal;
               string UserID = _signInManager.UserManager.GetUserId(principal);
                return UserID;

    [Note]: Errors: You might an error that says:

    An unhandled exception occurred while processing the request.

    InvalidOperationException: Unable to resolve service for type 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext' while attempting to activate 'YouProject.Controllers.YourController'.

    Try: Don't forget to add services.AddHttpContextAccessor in Startup.cs class.

    However, if you don't want to take the route outlined above, perhaps the steps below might help you get the User ID
    in Core Application.

    To retrieve the User ID (or any other claims) from the ClaimsPrincipal in an ASP.NET Core service repository, you can follow these steps:

    1. Ensure that the user is authenticated and the ClaimsPrincipal is available in the current context. You can typically access the ClaimsPrincipal through the HttpContext.

    2. Inject the IHttpContextAccessor into your service repository class. You can do this by adding it as a dependency in the constructor of your service repository.

      private readonly IHttpContextAccessor _httpContextAccessor;
      public YourServiceRepository(IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor)
          _httpContextAccessor = httpContextAccessor;
    3. Create a method in your service repository to retrieve the User ID:

      public string GetUserId()
          // Access the ClaimsPrincipal from the HttpContext
          var claimsPrincipal = _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.User;
          // Retrieve the User ID claim
          var userIdClaim = claimsPrincipal.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier);
          // Return the User ID value
          return userIdClaim?.Value;

      In the example above, the ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier is used to retrieve the User ID claim. You can adjust it based on your specific claim configuration.

    4. Now, you can use the GetUserId() method in your service repository to retrieve the User ID wherever it is needed.
      public void SomeMethod()
          // Retrieve the User ID
          var userId = GetUserId();
          // Use the User ID as needed
          // ...

      By following these steps, you can access the User ID from the ClaimsPrincipal in your ASP.NET Core service repository using the IHttpContextAccessor.

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