How to use a Text File as a Template to Send Email in dotnet core 2

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  1. One way to accomplish this is by creating a text file and defining your template wrapped in a pair of double hash symbols
  2. For Example:

    Name: ##Name##
    E-Mail Address: ##Email##
    Home Phone: ##Phone##
    Comments: ##Comments##
  3. After you create a text file in your project and have typed your template as shown in 2, then you would write your C# code like this;

    using System.IO // For reading the file
    using System.Net.Mail //Sending the Email

    //First read the file
    string myFile = Server.MapPath("~/App_Directory/YourTextFileName.txt");
    string mailBody = File.ReadAllText(myFile);

    mailBody = mailBody.Replace("##Name##","Jack");
    mailBody = mailBody.Replace("##E-Mail Address##","[email protected]");

    Go on and implement this until you see fit.
.Net 7

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