DotNet Software Development and Performance Tools

[11/11/2022]: Bombardia Web Stress Testing Tools

DotNet Tools 
    use this website to see what is going on with the method or .Net Class in AspNet 6

Diagnose Performance Issues in the AspNet Application

Download the dotnet-counters tool that allows you to see what objects have been allocated on the GC-Gen-2

- Useful command after you download and install dotnet-counters type
    1. Open up a new shell and type: dotnet-counters monitor --diagnostic-port 5002
    2. Make sure you add "DOTNET_DiagnosticPorts" : "5002" in your launchSettings.json
    3. Then do dotnet watch run
    4. Go back to the shell where you run the dotnet-counters monitor command and start monitoring your app.

  1. Inspecting Performance Thread Pool issue with

  2. DotNet Tools to take a look at
  4. If you like to present something to the audience download ZoomIt by Sys Internals
         Link: ZoomIt

  5. Monitor Performance: use a built-in app called "Performance Monitor" Windows. Just search for it and start looking at app performance.

  6. Download a tool called Process Explorer to give more information about the process running on your system

  7. Use Event Viewer from Windows, an app that lets you see event logs that happened on your computer.
    - Just search for Event Viewer from Windows Search Bar.

  8. Use PerfView to see the memory usage of the Core app.

  9. Use Siege tool to test Load-Testing, Siege sends HTTP Request to the Endpoint and determine how many requests before the server goes down
    - runs on Linux

For peering opportunity Autonomouse System Number: AS401345 Custom Software Development at ErnesTech Email Address[email protected]