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The misery of Lebanon’s displaced caught in conflict

Salwa Sheet, a 50-year-old mother of four, is one of the countless victims of the ongoing conflict in Lebanon, which has forced her and her family out of their home. According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), more than one million Syrian refugees have fled the Syrian civil war and sought shelter in Lebanon since the conflict began in 2011. Salwa and her family are among the estimated 250,000 Palestine refugees living in Lebanon, who also face significant challenges due to the country's restrictive refugee policies.

The Sheets are currently residing in the Burj el-Barajneh Palestinian refugee camp located in the southern suburbs of Beirut, which is overcrowded and lacks adequate infrastructure and resources. The camp is home to approximately 40,000 refugees, and the living conditions are dire. The families are crammed into small, dilapidated apartments with limited access to clean water, electricity, and healthcare services.

Salwa and her husband work long hours every day to make ends meet. They earn meager wages as day laborers, but the income is not sufficient to cover their basic needs. According to the World Food Programme (WFP), over 1.5 million people in Lebanon are food insecure, and more than half of them are Syrian refugees. Salwa's family is among them. They rely on the WFP's food assistance to survive, but it is not enough to provide them with a balanced diet.

The situation is further complicated by the economic crisis that has hit Lebanon hard in recent years. The country's currency has lost over 90% of its value since 2019, and inflation is skyrocketing. The cost of living has become unaffordable for many families, including the Sheets.

Despite these challenges, Salwa remains hopeful and determined to provide for her family. She dreams of a peaceful future where her children can grow up without fear and have access to education and opportunities. However, the future looks uncertain as the conflict in Syria continues and the situation in Lebanon remains volatile.

In conclusion, Salwa Sheet's story is just one example of the plight of the displaced and vulnerable populations in Lebanon. The country is facing significant challenges due to the Syrian refugee crisis and its own economic and political instability. The international community must continue to provide support and resources to help alleviate the suffering of families like the Sheets and ensure that they have access to basic necessities such as food, shelter, and healthcare.

Published 274 days ago

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