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Detransitioners say they face vitriol from trans activists they previously considered a 'second family'

Detransitioners are individuals who have undergone gender reassignment surgery and later decided to reverse their transition. They often face vitriol from trans activists they previously considered a 'second family'. This can be due to a variety of reasons, including the belief that detransitioners are not truly transgender or that they are simply going through a phase.

Detransitioners may also face discrimination and harassment within the trans community, as well as from society at large. They may be ostracized by friends and family who do not understand their experiences, and may struggle to find support and acceptance in their communities.

It is important to note that detransitioners are a minority within the trans community, and their experiences should not be generalized or used to stereotype all trans individuals. It is also important to respect the autonomy of individuals to make decisions about their own bodies and identities.

Published 373 days ago

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