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Together - Senior Software Engineer

About Together Software: Hi, I’m Nathan, cofounder at Together Software. Learning at work is broken, especially at large or remote companies, and we're enabling peer to peer learning between employees to fix it. Organizations like the United Nations, Disney and 7-11 are already using us to run mentoring programs to up-skill their employees. Our investors are the same ones that invested in Slack, Coinbase, and Instacart. For example, the United Nations uses our product to connect employees from around the world to discuss how they should choose the next country to work in, how to get promoted faster, or what skills they need for their next job. We launched through Y Combinator in Summer 2019. Here's a few things you might be tasked with solving: - Can you engineer a product that will grow virally inside the organization (starts with 1 mentoring program and expands to all use-cases and all employees)? - Can you work with the rest of the team to create a defensible brand? - Can you hel

Published 1295 days ago

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