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Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Public School Empls Retrmt SYS Cuts Position in Grand Canyon Education, Inc. (NASDAQ:LOPE)

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has recently announced that it will be cutting its position with Grand Canyon Education, Inc. (GCE) as part of a larger effort to streamline its retirement system. GCE is a publicly traded company listed on the NASDAQ stock exchange under the ticker symbol NASDAQLOPE.

The decision to cut ties with GCE was made after a thorough review of the retirement system's investment portfolio and an analysis of the performance of various providers. The Commonwealth determined that it would be in the best interest of its employees and retirees to transition to a different provider, one that better aligns with the state's long-term financial goals and objectives.

The exact terms of the separation are not yet known, but it is expected that the Commonwealth will work closely with GCE to ensure a smooth transition for all parties involved. The decision was made in an effort to improve the retirement system's performance and ensure that it remains sustainable for future generations of public school employees.

Published 321 days ago

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