EF Core 6 Error: Error Number:262,State:1,Class:14 CREATE TABLE permission denied in database

Question: How do you resolve EF Core 6 Error: Error Number:262,State:1,Class:14 CREATE TABLE permission denied in database.

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Make sure the user you are trying to connect to the database has required. Follow the steps below:

  1. Log into your Database Management Software as user: sa or at least with elevated privileges to grant permission to another user.
  2. On the Server Level, navigate to "Security" then click on the user that has problems creating a table and right-click on him/her to bring up a "Properties" menu.
  3. Click on the "Properties" and navigate to "Server Roles" then grant the necessary permission to this user. If you only want the user to create the tables as well as read data from that table, then check "dbcreator".
Entity Framework

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